Table. 4.

Examples of calculation of the reference cycle value and precision for each pool [6]

Test day Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4

Influenza virus A PIV-2 Rhinovirus Influenza virus B PIV-4 RSV hMPV PIV-1 Adenovirus PIV-3
1 25.5* 31.2 28.2 31.2 31.2 28.2 25.5 31.2 28.2 25.5
2 26.1 31.5 28.5 31.5 31.5 28.5 26.1 31.5 28.5 26.1
3 26.3 30.9 29.0 31.3 31.0 28.1 25.8 30.9 28.5 25.5
4 26.2 31.0 28.1 31.2 31.3 28.2 26.0 31.5 28.2 25.7
5 25.8 31.3 28.1 30.9 30.9 28.5 26.1 30.9 28.5 25.8
6 25.8 30.9 28.5 31.5 31.3 28.3 25.5 31.3 28.1 25.5
7 26.0 31.1 28.2 30.9 31.2 28.2 25.5 31.0 28.2 26.0
8 26.1 31.3 28.5 31.1 31.2 28.5 25.7 31.3 28.2 26.1
9 26.0 31.3 28.1 30.9 30.9 28.1 25.8 30.9 28.5 26.0
10 25.8 31.2 28.2 31.0 31.5 28.1 25.5 31.3 28.3 26.1
11 25.5 30.9 28.5 31.3 30.9 28.5 25.5 31.3 28.2 25.7
12 25.5 31.5 28.3 31.2 31.3 28.5 26.2 31.2 28.5 25.8
13 25.7 31.2 28.5 31.2 31.2 28.3 25.8 31.0 28.5 25.5
14 25.3 30.9 29.1 30.9 30.9 29.1 25.3 30.9 29.1 25.3
15 25.2 31.1 28.5 31.1 31.1 28.5 25.2 31.1 28.5 25.2
16 25.8 30.9 28.1 31.0 31.2 28.2 25.5 31.2 28.2 25.5
17 25.5 31.3 28.2 31.3 31.5 28.5 26.1 31.5 28.5 26.1
18 25.5 31.3 28.5 30.9 30.9 28.5 25.5 30.9 29.0 25.8
19 26.2 31.2 28.3 31.3 31.5 28.2 25.7 31.0 28.1 26.0
20 25.8 31.0 28.2 31.2 30.9 28.5 25.8 31.3 28.1 26.1
Mean 25.8 31.2 28.4 31.1 31.2 28.4 25.7 31.2 28.4 25.8
SD 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3
% CV 1.2 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.1

*The mean of calculated reference cycle.

Abbreviations: hMPV, human metapneumovirus; PIV-1, parainfluenza virus type 1; PIV-2, parainfluenza virus type 2; PIV-3, parainfluenza virus type 3; PIV-4, parainfluenza virus type 4; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; SD, standard deviation; % CV, percent coefficient of variation.

Lab Med Online 2022;12:85~90 https://doi.org/10.47429/lmo.2022.12.2.85
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