Table. 3.

The estimates of Passing–Bablok regression between the manual (x) and Andrew+-based sample preparation (y) methods

Analyte Estimate 95% CI
Tacrolimus (n = 45) Intercept -0.6621 -1.493 to 0.2000
Slope 1.103 1.000 to 1.213
Spearman’s ρ* 0.953 0.913 to 0.974
Sirolimus (n = 37) Intercept 0.2000 -0.8571 to 1.183
Slope 1.0000 0.8280 to 1.149
Spearman’s ρ 0.952 0.907 to 0.976
Everolimus (n = 36) Intercept 0.1778 0 to 0.5392
Slope 0.9751 0.8824 to 1.032
Spearman’s ρ 0.975 0.950 to 0.988
Cyclosporine A (n = 44) Intercept -3.9830 -14.07 to 4.396
Slope 0.9846 0.8929 to 1.129
Spearman’s ρ 0.985 0.972 to 0.992

*Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

Lab Med Online 2023;13:199~204 https://doi.org/10.47429/lmo.2023.13.3.199
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