Table. 2.

The best survival times of xenotransplants in nonhuman primates

Xenograft Genetic modification of donor pig Survival time (days) References
Islet cells Wild type 950 Shin JS, et al. Xenotransplantation (2016) [30]
Cornea Wild type 511 Kim J, et al. Am J Transplant (2018) [34]
Neurons CTLA4-IgKI 549 Ekser B, et al. Lancet (2012) [2]
Lung GTKO/hCD55KI/hCD47KI 14 Watanabe H, et al. Xenotransplantation (2020) [42]
Liver GTKO 29 Shah JA, et al. Am J Transplant (2017) [43]
Kidney GTKO/hCD55KI 499 Kim SC, et al. Am J Transplant (2019) [44]
Heart (orthotopic) GTKO/THBDKI/hCD46KI 195 Längin M, et al. Nature (2018) [45]
Lab Med Online 2023;13:275~281 https://doi.org/10.47429/lmo.2023.13.4.275
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