Table. 2.

An example of linearity validation

Level RC Measured value Expected value (E)* Weight (W) Product 1 W∙Y∙E Product 2 W∙E2 Predicted value (P)§ Deviation|| %Deviation Within ±ADL?++
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Mean (Y)** SD
1 1 550.1 547.7 555.4 557.6 541.1 550.38 5.84 550.38 0.1464 44,362.03 44,362.03 536.70 13.68 2.5 Yes
2 0.9 465.2 455.1 450.6 460.1 465.5 459.30 5.78 495.34 0.1495 34,013.66 36,682.77 483.03 -23.73 -4.9 Yes
3 0.75 412.5 406.3 401.1 412.3 398.5 406.14 5.70 412.79 0.1541 25,841.06 26,263.85 402.53 3.61 0.9 Yes
4 0.6 321.2 318.1 320.0 321.1 325.6 321.20 2.47 330.23 0.8218 87,170.64 89,620.75 322.02 -0.82 -0.3 Yes
5 0.5 270.1 277.6 266.1 268.1 271.2 270.62 3.90 275.19 0.3285 24,462.58 24,875.68 268.35 2.27 0.8 Yes
6 0.4 208.1 207.5 210.1 215.5 207.8 209.80 2.99 220.15 0.5585 25,797.53 27,070.43 214.68 -4.88 -2.3 Yes
7 0.25 135.8 130.1 131.1 134.5 136.9 133.68 2.65 137.60 0.7141 13,135.35 13,520.04 134.18 -0.50 -0.4 Yes
8 0.15 85.1 86.3 82.3 83.5 84.1 84.26 1.36 82.56 2.6847 18,675.51 18,298.05 80.51 3.75 4.7 Yes
9 0.08 48.5 47.6 45.5 47.5 43.0 46.42 1.97 44.03 1.2868 2,630.08 2,494.69 42.94 3.48 8.1 Yes
10 0.05 29.0 30.1 29.9 26.2 26.5 28.34 1.67 27.52 1.7944 1,399.46 1,358.91 26.84 1.50 5.6 Yes
11 0.03 16.5 14.5 15.0 16.6 17.1 15.94 1.01 16.51 4.9485 1,302.41 1,349.10 16.10 -0.16 -1.0 Yes
SUM >278,790.31 >285,896.32
A 0.9751

*Expected value (E): the calculated value using the value of the high-level sample and RC. E=RC∙Y; W =R/(SD)2; A=(Sum of Product 1)/(Sum of Product 2); §Predicted value (P): the value after applying the weight. P=A∙E; ||Deviation=Y–P; %Deviation=100∙(Deviation)/P; **Mean (Y): mean of measured values for each level; ++If the ADL is 10% in this example, all of %deviation meets the goal.

Abbreviations: RC, relative concentration; SD, standard deviation; ADL, allowable deviation from linearity; R, replicate.

Lab Med Online 2024;14:163~175 https://doi.org/10.47429/lmo.2024.14.3.163
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