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ABO 혈액형 불일치에 대한 유전형과 표현형의 후향적 연구
Various ABO Genotyping-phenotyping Results for ABO Blood Group Discrepancy: A Retrospective Study
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 서울성모병원 진단검사의학과1, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 인천성모병원 진단검사의학과2
Department of Laboratory Medicine1, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul; Department of Laboratory Medicine2, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea
Correspondence to:This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Lab Med Online 2023; 13(2): 97-102
Published April 1, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine.
The ABO blood group shows phenotypic variants, largely owing to its molecular genetic basis [1]. As an independent tool in the clinical laboratory, serology can reveal ABO discrepancies and ABO genotyping is essential for correct determination of the blood group. The
In this study, we performed a retrospective investigation of the ABO grouping test results of two medical institutions in Korea. When weak or unusual expression of antigens was observed, the ABO genotyping results and medical records were evaluated. In selected samples for which the cause of ABO discrepancy remained unresolved, we looked for genetic variants in the full ABO coding region and promoter region. We reviewed the serology and genotyping results of 39 samples from Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and 8 samples from Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital from January 2016 to June 2021. Additionally, we included pedigree analyses of two families. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Catholic Medical Center (Seoul, Korea) and the need for informed consent was waived (XC22RADI0073).
Serological tests were routinely performed using a column agglutination technique using ORTHO BioVue System (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Pencoed, UK) on an automatic analyzer, ORTHO VISION (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Raritan, NJ, USA). In the presence of weak or unusual expression of the A or B antigens, manual tube methods using murine monoclonal anti-A, anti-B (Shinyang Diagnostics, Seoul, Korea) were employed, and serum typing was done with A1 and B cells (MIRR. SciTech Corp., Seoul, Korea) using a plate method. To further identify ABO subgroups, anti-A1 lectin obtained from
For ABO genotyping, DNA was extracted from EDTA blood samples using a QIAsymphony DSP DNA Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). PCR was run using a C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) with a mixture of primer pairs (Table 1) for amplification. The products were purified using the ExoSAP-IT PCR Product Cleanup Reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). A Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) and an ABI 3500XL DX Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems) were used for Sanger sequencing according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing data were analyzed using the ABO reference sequence (NM_020469.2) with Sequencher v.5 (Gene Codes Corp, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). The ABO alleles were classified according to the nomenclature used by the International Society of Blood Transfusion.
Table 1 . Primers used in the study for Sanger sequencing of the promoter and whole exon of the
A total of 47 ABO serology and genotyping results were reviewed. These were referred for ABO genotyping test as they all showed a ABO discrepancy—defined as a mismatch between the cell and serum typing or presence of a weaker strength of agglutination (≤3+ in cell typing; ≤2+ in serum typing), as described in a previous study [8]. Results were further classified as ‘phenotype-genotype matches’ or ‘phenotype-genotype mismatches’ (Table 2). The frequency of phenotypes consistent with their genotypes was 72.3% (34/47 cases). Among them, 23 cases demonstrated a
Table 2 . Phenotypic and genotypic results of patients in this study
Phenotype (N) Genotype (N) anti-A anti-B anti-A,B; anti-A+B anti-A1 anti-H A cell B cell Phenotype-genotype matches (34, 72.3%) A2B3 (12) cis-AB.01/O.01.01 (9)4+ 1+ ~ 3+ +/- ~ 4+ - 2+ ~ 4+ - +/- ~ 2+ cis-AB.01/O.01.02 (3)4+ 2+ ~ 3+ 4+ - 3+ - 1+ ~ 3+ AB (9) A1.02/B.01 (7)3 ~ 4+ 2 ~ 4+ 4+ - ~ 4+ - ~ 1+ - ~ +/- - cis-AB.01/O.01.01 (1)4+ 3+ NT NT NT - - cis-AB.01/O.01.02 (1)4+ 3+ - - - - 2+ A1B3 (4) cis-AB.01/O.01.01 (2)4+ 2+ 2+ ~ 4+ 3+ 3+ ~ 4+ - 1+ cis-AB.01/O.01.02 (1)4+ 2+ NT 4+ NT - +/- A1.02/B3.06 (1)4+ 1+ NT 4+ 1+ - - A2B (3) cis-AB.01/B.01 (3)3+ ~ 4+ 4+ 4+ - 1+ ~ 4+ +/- - A (2) cis-AB.01/A1.02 (2)4+ - NT 4+ - - 4+ O (2) O.01.01/O.01.01 (1)- - NT NT NT 3+ 3+ O.01.13/O.01.13 (1)- - - - 4+ 4+ - A1Bel (1) cis-AB.01/A1.02 (1)4+ - NT NT NT - 1+ Ax/Aweak (1) AW.31.01/O.01.05 (1)1+ - - - 4+ - 4+ Phenotype-genotype mismatches (13, 27.7%) A1B3 (4) A1.02/B.01 (3)4+ 1+ ~ 2+ 2+ ~ 4+ 4+ - ~ 1+ - - ~ 4+ A1.02/O.01.01 (1)4+ 1+ 4+ 4+ 3+ - 4+ A3 (2) A1.02/O.01.01 (2)2+ - 2+ - 3+ - 2+ A2B (1) A1.02/B.01 (1)3+mf 4+ 4+ - 1+ - - AwB (1) A1.02/B.01 (1)1+ 3+ NT - 2+ - - AwBw (1) B.01/O.01.13 (1)+/- 1+ NT NT NT 4+ 4+ Ael (1) A1.02/O.01.01 (1)- - NT - 4+ - 3+ Aint (1) A1.02/O.01.01 (1)2+ - 3+ 3+ 4+ - 4+ B3 (1) B.01/O.01.01 (1)- 2+ NT NT NT 4+ - Bw (1) B.01/O.01.02 orB3.02/O.01.35 (1)- +/- NT NT NT 4+ - Abbreviations: NT, not tested; mf, mixed field.
The frequency of phenotypes inconsistent with their genotypes was 27.7% (13/47 cases). Serology showed five distinct A subgroups (A2, A3, Aw, Ael, Aint), but genotypes of all samples included the common
Figure 1. Pedigree of the family 1 and 2. Arrow indicates propositus. (A) Pedigree of family 1: ABO phenotypes, genotypes, and transferase results are noted. (B) Pedigree of family 2: ABO phenotypes and genotypes are noted.
Medical records were evaluated for any medical factors that may have affected the test results. Weak but variable A or B antigen expression was noted in patients with hematological diseases (N=5), including juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, Burkitt lymphoma, high-grade B-cell lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia, and myelodysplastic syndrome. All patients showed weak antigen expression at initial diagnosis, and none of them received out-of-group transfusion prior to serological typing. Interestingly, one patient with myelodysplastic syndrome evolved into leukemic transformation 9 months after initial diagnosis. One patient who showed weak B antigen expression was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma.
Pregnancy was suspected to cause weak antigen expression in 3 patients. Notably, one multipara, who showed normal AB blood grouping results, exhibited weak A antigen expression (3+ in cell typing, +/- in serum typing) during her third pregnancy. When ABO genotyping was performed, she was diagnosed as
Pedigree analysis was performed for one family that showed
Figure 2. Sequencing results of the promoter region of the ABO gene. The arrow indicates the mutation site. (A) Grandfather (p) shows a mutation at -219C>A. (B) Father does not have a mutation.
The ABO gene, located on chromosome 9q34, consists of seven coding exons, with the largest open reading frame located in exons 6 and 7 [10]. As analysis of only exons 6 and 7 is sometimes insufficient, further sequencing of other exons, introns, and the promoter region is required [11, 12]. In 1997, Kominato et al. first verified the essential role of the promoter sequence in the regulation of ABO gene transcription using KATO III, the human gastric cancer cell line [13, 14]. Recent studies revealed cases where mutations of the promoter sequence downregulate the promoter activity, thereby decreasing A or B antigen expression. Isa et al. [15] discovered two single-point mutations (-76G>C and -86G>T) in the promoter on the A-allele in three A3 patients with
In conclusion, the prevalence of the ABO subgroups demonstrated in this study was consistent with that of similar previously published studies. Medical factors, including hematologic disorders, malignancy, and pregnancy also affected the ABO discrepancies, as noted previously [17]. This study further aimed to focus on the effect of a mutation in the promoter region on ABO gene expression. Further evaluation of the promoter region could help differentiate ABO discrepancies that remain unresolved.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
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